By: LuckyBC

Another hot summer day at the beach, Jerry found himself walking along the toasting sand, as he held his surf board tightly against his body. He had nearly bumped into an overweight man who stood almost 6 feet tall and weighed more than 300lbs. Jerry nearly lost his board, as the man turned his belly. "Watch where you are going!" Jerry cursed the man, "You look like a beach whale!"

The man did not respond, but he grinned, then rubbed his belly. He watched Jerry get closer to the water. He followed like a shark hunting its prey. He walked along the beach, then proceeded to lie on the hot sand. He would wait for Jerry.

Jerry surfed the waves, then started to feel thirsty. As he arrived closer to the shore, he hopped off the board, then grabbed it. As he walked, he saw many people of all shapes and sizes walking back and forth.

Jerry was proud to keep his body in shape. He worked out as often as possible. He made certain that his body fat was kept to the required minimum. He did not drink alcohol or smoke any form of cigarettes. At the ripe age of nineteen, he saw his whole future and planned it accordingly.

Jerry's future would literally get swallowed, unless he changed directions at this moment. However, he continues onwards. With each step closer to a certain trap, Jerry hadn't a care in the world.

Tripping forward, Jerry watched himself falling foward. Dropping his board, Jerry pushes his arms in front of him to embrace his fall. He sees a huge belly. Jerry could feel his hands sink into the guy's belly. It was like jello. The more that Jerry tried to remove his hand, the further that he seemed to go.

Freaking, Jerry tried to escape this living quicksand. His arms were now engulfed within the belly. Jerry could no longer scream, as his head started to sink inward. Jerry could feel the guy's belly wrap around his body, as he went further inwards. Jerry wondered why no one could see this event unfolding, but realized something. No one would care. They are so absorbed in their own world to care about anyone else. He knew this because he was like this. Now, he was suddenly want to give a damn. He would care if someone else was being swallowed into a guy's belly. He would care.

The big guy could feel Jerry struggling to escape his jelly belly. He was hungry and Jerry would satisfy him. He learned another form of food consumption. Rubbing his belly, the guy could feel Jerry moving within. He struggled to stand up, then walked around the beach to allow Jerry to be totally consumed and added to his body fat.

Unlike Jerry, he loved body fat to the max. He watched some people's glaring at him and his big gut. His belly was his and if they cross his path, they will see why it was his favorite part of his body.

The End....

The End

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